Feature flags

Safely roll out features to specific users or groups

Test changes with small groups of users before rolling out wider. Analyze usage with product analytics and session replay.

Screenshot of a feature flag in PostHog
  • cut failure rates by 90%

    "Feature flags are crucial for us. We use them as kill switches for all features and use the data to make decisions."

    Read the story
  • increased registrations 30%

    "Teams used to use different tools. That led to confusion because flags didn't integrate with our analytics or replays."

    Read the story
  • uses flags for feature testing

    "We test changes as simple as changing the null state of a page through to new onboarding flows or new pricing changes."

    Read the story
  • switched from in-house tools

    "Feature flags immediately bought a lot of value. What’s really elegant is how flags interlink with product analytics."

    Read the story


  • Release conditions

    Customize your rollout strategy by user or group properties, cohort, or traffic percentage

  • Multivariate feature flags

    Simultaneously test multiple versions against a control group

  • Test changes without touching your codebase

    JSON payloads let you change text, visuals, or entire blocks of code without subsequent deployments

  • Developer-friendly automation

    Automated usage reports, IP address resolution (for location-based targeting), and recall person properties to avoid passing them manually every time

  • Early access feature opt-in widget

    Allow users to opt in to (or out of) specified features. Or use the API to build your own UI.

  • History & activity feed

    See who hit a feature flag, the flag’s value, and which page they were on

  • Local evaluation

    Improves speed by caching a flag’s value on initial load

  • Instant rollbacks

    Disable a feature without touching your codebase

  • Bootstrapping

    Get flags and values to trigger changes immediately on page load

  • Persist flags across authentication steps

    Make sure users have a consistent experience after login

  • Flag administration

    See the history of a feature flag or control who can modify flags with user roles

  • SDKs or API

    Copy code snippets for your library of choice, or implement yourself with the API

  • Multi-environment support

    Test flags in local development or staging by using the same flag key across PostHog projects

Answer all of these questions (and more) with PostHog Feature flags.

Usage-based pricing

Use feature flags free. Or enter a credit card for advanced features. Either way, your first 1,000,000 requests are free – every month.

Note: Feature flags and Experiments are currently packaged together and share volume limits.


No credit card required

All other plans

All features, no limitations





Boolean feature flags
Multivariate feature flags & experiments
Persist flags across authentication
Test changes without code
Multiple release conditions
Release condition overrides
Flag targeting by groups
Local evaluation & bootstrapping
Flag usage stats
Funnel & trend experiments
Secondary experiment metrics
Statistical analysis
Group experiments
Not included
Multi-environment support
Not included
Data retention

1 year

7 years

Monthly pricing

First 1 million requests
1-2 million
2-10 million
10-50 million
50 million+


PostHog vs...

LaunchDarklyCompare to PostHog
Target by percentage
Target by person properties
Flag scheduling
Multivariate flags
Unlimited flags for free
Free third-party plugins
Activity logs
Data export
Multi-environment support
Automatic IP resolution
Recall person properties by default

So, what's best for you?

Reasons a competitor may be best for you (for now...)

  • Triggers and workflows to enable/disable flags on other events
  • Data exports

Reasons to choose

  • Integration with other analysis products
    • View replays attached to a flag, analyze data based on a flag, etc.
  • JSON payloads
    • Flags can return JSON and trigger other in-app changes (like displaying a banner)
  • Targeting options
  • Early access management suite for toggling betas or new features

Have questions about PostHog?
Ask the community or book a demo.

Featured tutorials

Visit the tutorials section for more.

  • How to do a canary release with feature flags in PostHog

    A canary release or canary deployment is the process of rolling out a new feature to a subset of users before releasing it to a larger group. Once satisfied with tests and analysis, the feature rolls out to a larger group (or everyone).

    Read more
  • How to evaluate and update feature flags with the PostHog API

    Learn how to use the decide endpoint to evaluate your feature flags (both boolean and multivariate), get data about them, and update them.

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  • How to bootstrap feature flags in React and Express

    Bootstrapping feature flags make them available as soon as React and PostHog load on the client side. This enables use cases like routing to different pages on load, all feature flagged content being available on first load, and visual consistency.

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  • How to set up Angular feature flags

    Learn you how to set up the tools PostHog provides by creating a basic Angular app, adding PostHog, and then using it to capture events and manage feature flags.

    Read more

Install & customize

Here are some ways you can fine tune how you implement feature flags.

Explore the docs

Get a more technical overview of how everything works in our docs.

Meet the team

PostHog works in small teams. The Feature Flags team is responsible for building feature flags.

Roadmap & changelog

Here’s what the team is up to.

Latest update

Apr 2024

Cohort creation improved

Feature success has made two small, but mightily important quality-of-life improvements for when you create new cohorts.

The first is simply that we now tell you very clearly at the top of the page when your cohort was last calculated, so you can judge how accurate it is. Cohorts are still normally recalculated every 24 hours, so we added that information too.

The second update is that now, when you specify an event, you can also add filters and custom dates directly within the cohort creation. It's another small tweak which should hopefully greatly improve the speed at which you build cohorts.

Up next

Check out the company roadmap to see what we're working on next!


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