Replay Team
At Manoel's in-person onboarding in Rowarth, UK


What we're building

  • Flutter session recording

    We have recently released Mobile Replay for native iOS and Android. We are considering supporting mobile Flutter apps as well.

    Project updates

    No updates yet. Engineers are currently hard at work, so check back soon!


Here’s what we’re considering building next. Vote for your favorites or share a new idea on GitHub.

Recently shipped

View session recordings from HogQL

When he was recently asked if it was possible to link to recordings from a HogQL insight, Paul took it upon himself to instead add a new function and renderer so you can view the entire recording from the insight instead.

Judging by his choice of PR memes, Paul isn't entirely certain if this is a good idea - but when did common sense ever stop us from shipping something new?

It's worth noting that this won't work in shared insights or dashboards, by the way.


📱Goal 1: People think of PostHog as a mobile solution

  • onboard Yiannis and get him rocketing
  • mobile replay out of beta
  • flutter replay

📹 Goal 2: Replay playback 3000

  • onboard Richard and get him rocketing
  • Replay UX Overview
    • we've invited @corywatilo to our November offsite where we will decide what this means for the last eighth of the year...
  • replay playback performance
    • we believe that if we improve playback we will see waiting time decrease, watch time increase, and number of recordings watched increase
    • we believe that those metrics are strong proxies for customer satisfaction in replay

🎤 Goal 3: Ship the things users keep asking for

  • queryable network data
  • start replay on trigger e.g. event
  • magic playlists

follow along in our q4 megaissue


Areas of responsibility

  • Session Replay - recording browser or mobile sessions to be replayed later
  • Toolbar - a floating helper on your web app that helps to toggle feature flags, display heatmaps and provide contextual analysis
  • Mobile SDKs - the knowledge to level these up are in our team
  • Notebooks - a way to explore your data in a free format environment, for example to add comments to a session replay

A note on notebooks

(pun intended)

We own Notebooks the platform, but we aren't actively working on it while it beds in and customers show us what they use it for. We'll provide bugfixes to notebooks (the platform) and support to teams wanting to change their products in notebooks. But feature requests for existing products within notebooks (e.g. insights in notebooks) go to the team that own the product not to us.

Slack channel


Feature ownership

You can find out more about the features we own here