Supported aggregations

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This is an ever-expanding list of enabled aggregations.

You can find their full definitions in the ClickHouse documentation. Additionally, we include a list of popular ones and their uses in the HogQL expressions and SQL insight documentation.

Standard aggregate functions

  • count
  • countIf
  • min
  • minIf
  • max
  • maxIf
  • sum
  • sumIf
  • avg
  • avgIf
  • any
  • anyIf
  • stddevPop
  • stddevPopIf
  • stddevSamp
  • stddevSampIf
  • varPop
  • varPopIf
  • varSamp
  • varSampIf
  • covarPop
  • covarPopIf
  • covarSamp
  • covarSampIf

ClickHouse-specific aggregate functions

  • anyHeavy
  • anyHeavyIf
  • anyLast
  • anyLastIf
  • argMin
  • argMinIf
  • argMax
  • argMaxIf
  • avgWeighted
  • avgWeightedIf
  • groupArray
  • groupUniqArray
  • groupArrayInsertAt
  • groupArrayInsertAtIf
  • groupArrayMovingAvg
  • groupArrayMovingAvgIf
  • groupArrayMovingSum
  • groupArrayMovingSumIf
  • groupBitAnd
  • groupBitAndIf
  • groupBitOr
  • groupBitOrIf
  • groupBitXor
  • groupBitXorIf
  • groupBitmap
  • groupBitmapIf
  • groupBitmapAnd
  • groupBitmapAndIf
  • groupBitmapOr
  • groupBitmapOrIf
  • groupBitmapXor
  • groupBitmapXorIf
  • sumWithOverflow
  • sumWithOverflowIf
  • deltaSum
  • deltaSumIf
  • deltaSumTimestamp
  • deltaSumTimestampIf
  • sumMap
  • sumMapIf
  • minMap
  • minMapIf
  • maxMap
  • maxMapIf
  • skewSamp
  • skewSampIf
  • skewPop
  • skewPopIf
  • kurtSamp
  • kurtSampIf
  • kurtPop
  • kurtPopIf
  • uniq
  • uniqIf
  • uniqExact
  • uniqExactIf
  • uniqHLL12
  • uniqHLL12If
  • uniqTheta
  • uniqThetaIf
  • simpleLinearRegression
  • simpleLinearRegressionIf
  • contingency
  • contingencyIf
  • cramersV
  • cramersVIf
  • cramersVBiasCorrected
  • cramersVBiasCorrectedIf
  • theilsU
  • theilsUIf
  • maxIntersections
  • maxIntersectionsIf
  • maxIntersectionsPosition
  • maxIntersectionsPositionIf


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