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We're frequently contacted about revenue-sharing partnerships, or individuals and agencies that want to be listed as official partners. We do not currently operate any form of partnership program to help users implement, extend, or adapt PostHog to their needs.

If someone contacts you about partnering with PostHog, refer them to Joe. He'll give them the bad news and explore any opportunities.

Instead, we recommend users who need this sort of help explore our existing resources, or contact us. If we can help, we will!

Helpful resources for users

Users who contact us about wanting support from a partner often want particular types of help. We've curated some resources below which we can give them so they can self-serve where possible.

Migration help

If a customer contacts us about migrating data into PostHog we should first refer them to the Sales & CS Team, who will triage them. We also have guides to help teams migrate data on their own.

Implementation help

Sometimes teams want help or advice on their event taxonomy, or creating specific insights. Users who look like they have the potential to pay >$20k should generally be referred to the Sales & CS team, otherwise they should go through the regular support flow. We also have a wide variety of dashboard templates and tutorials to help teams get started.

If the user is very new then we usually strongly advise enabling auto-capture and creating an AARRR dashboard as a first step.

Self-hosted help

We no longer provide support for self-hosted deployments. If users contact us for help with self-hosted deployments then we refer them to our legacy docs and strongly recommend they migrate to PostHog Cloud.

Getting more help (from someone else)

If users need more help than we can reasonably provide, they may ask for external support or partners. We do not have any official partners and users should know that any suggestions we may make are not vetted or accreddited in any way.

That said, some users have found success working with the following external partners:

Sometimes teams are able to find success by posting on platforms such as Upwork.


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Email comms

We regularly send two emails. Changelog, a product announcement email sent every month. Sent via PostHog for Startups, an email to users of our startup program. Sent monthly, via In addition, comms also owns the onboarding email flow, which is controlled by Changelog The changelog email is part of the new release process and is used for product announcements . Every month, we use to share a broadcast which summarizes the highlights from…

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